速報APP / 地圖與導航 / AyeTides XL

AyeTides XL



檔案大小:108.6 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 9.0 或以上版本。與 iPad 相容。

支援語言:法文, 英語

AyeTides XL(圖1)-速報App

Never be without the tides again!

You too can carry the tides with you as you walk along the shore, fly into a harbor, or sail off into the sunset. AyeTides XL displays tides and/or currents for over 12,500 locations worldwide. and unlike many other tide apps it does not require a network connection. With AyeTides XL you will never see those annoying ads or be asked to pay for additional features! Sailors, harbor pilots, beachcombers, nature photographers, and more use AyeTides to plan their outings on or around the world's oceans.

Here are some of the things people are saying about AyeTides...

"AyeTides is a quality professional product”

"Your support has been the best I have experienced!"

AyeTides XL(圖2)-速報App

“As a harbor pilot in New York I’ve been using your excellent tide and current app”

"I really appreciate the effort that you put into making AyeTides as accurate as it can be. It is a great program that has been very useful to us. I think we have 60 pilots using iPhones and iNavX and your app links in so well."

"I am a ships Pilot in BC and use Aye Tides a lot and it has become invaluable.”

You can see the day’s events in tabular form with an interactive graph, or you can rotate the phone for an calendar view. Tapping on a day brings up additional information for that day. You can find a station on a map, by name, based on your current location, or set a favorite station and always have it handy.

AyeTides XL is updated regularly and stations are added whenever we find new data. We encourage our customers to contact us if you hare having any issues with the program.

AyeTides XL(圖3)-速報App

This app is designed to run on your iPad. It does not run on an iPhone or iPod Touch. If you have multiple devices, you may want to consider our bundle. Get both apps for a discounted price!

AyeTides XL(圖4)-速報App
